What the #@$*?

Eating locally sourced food is a great way to help our planet, our communities, and our health! By supporting local farmers, we keep our dollars local. By eating fresh seasonal food, we help the environment; and by eating sustainably humanely produced food, we nourish our physical and spiritual health. It's not always easy; it requires a change in our routines and attitudes. Follow along as I give it a try, with my husband and 2 teenage sons!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Who's the terkee NOW???

Oh man, I made the seitan turkey roast the other day! Wait, let me stick a pic in here:

Note the turkey-like shape!

Ok, now I will show you a pic of the bread i made the same night:

Lol see the similarity??? My husband called his terkee sandwich 'manage á bread' aka 'bread á trois' Hahahaha!! I had to admit, they looked an awful lot alike! He ate some though, what a trooper, but today said he doesn't want anymore sandwiches of it. Can't blame him, it does have a faint dog-foody smell (the brewer's yeast). Definitely a meaty texture, and he did at least try it. Plus it has been miserably hot the last few days, and who would want a dog-foody smelling 90 degree sammitch after working in the hot sun for hours?

But seriously folks, it wasn't AWFUL. It wasn't GREAT, but it wasn't awful. As usual, I would definitely tweak the recipe if I were to make it again. And I may try to make it again, as soon as this one is gone. Which may not be til Thanksgiving.... I used a recipe that made enough to feed an army of hungry vegans, I bet it weighed in at 10 lbs!
That was my first mistake. My second mistake was more or less following the recipe, even though my instincts were telling me it wouldn't be flavorful enough. Next time I will make a smaller batch, and WAY up the seasoning. Not terrible though for a first try, and if you know any hungry vegans....
That is todays haul of tomatoes, the big guys in the back are hierlooms called Black Krim and they are burgandy-ish green when ripe, and some of the ones still on the vine are HUGE! We are going to a family party tomorrow and I am taking a salad of my fresh home-made mozzarella and these garden fresh beauties (plus garlic, basil and olive oil, and maybe some bread)!

I need to take a pic of the garden right now, it is a tomato rainforest! I scoffed at planting them 3 feet apart and now they are a tangled, maniacally overgrown forest of deliciousness-to-be!
My neighbor's Roma tomatoes are ripening, I could see the orange-ish red from my side of the fence (visualize my pitiful face staring at his tomatoes through the chain link), but mine are just frankenstein-ian behomoths carelessly knocking aside their cages and running free! Actually, as predicted by- well, everyone who knew of my garden, the zucchinis and tomatoes are strangling out everything else. Well, there is a viney feisty cucumber determined to grow there as well, he is all tangled up with the zucchini next to him, and I can't tell sometimes who is who or what is what! Which reminds me, I did something delicious with cucumber the other day, but now I can't remember what it was? Oh yeah, I diced some really fine and added it to the salsa I was making, and it added a fresh crispiness I really liked! Plus used up some excessive cukes...

The strawberries are enjoying a second spring of production, boy are they alot of work! It is astounding how insanely fast and luxurious everything is growing!
Except everything in pots on the deck, they are all dead. It is my fault, I kept forgetting to water them, and it has just been so hot and dry the last month....excuses excuses! Forgetting to water things has definitely been a life-long problem for me; one of my kids, I forget which one, once asked me why the plants they gave me for Mother's Day always died. =/ Aw well, no one's perfect!

This is gonna have to be a 'quickie' I'm afraid, since me and my hubby are HOME ALONE tonight (wink wink) and he is in the bedroom and I am out here blogging LOL! I just wanted to get those pix up, oh and one other QUICK thing, farmer suggested I just use my bread machine for making the dough and the first rise, then taking it out and doing the second rise and baking myself, which will eliminate the kneading hook in the bread, the weird cube shaped loaf, and the sunken tops...DUH wish I had thought of that myself!
If you can't be smart yourself, it's good to know smart people!

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