What the #@$*?

Eating locally sourced food is a great way to help our planet, our communities, and our health! By supporting local farmers, we keep our dollars local. By eating fresh seasonal food, we help the environment; and by eating sustainably humanely produced food, we nourish our physical and spiritual health. It's not always easy; it requires a change in our routines and attitudes. Follow along as I give it a try, with my husband and 2 teenage sons!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Busy Busy Busy!

Potatoes, part deux
Well the job has been keeping me very busy, this is the first time all week I have managed to sit down at the computer! And only because my Spanish homework is due by midnight, and I have to go to work at 4!

I am not kidding, folks, this is EVERYDAY!
 SO! Yes, it has been a little hectic around here, but not impossible. SOOOOO many goodies from the garden, I feel guilty for even taking the time to write this when I know I have a ton of produce upstairs that needs cut, steamed and frozen, or sliced, sauteed and eaten, or chopped and hidden behind somethinbg else, to make room for more!

Dave has made a couple of batches of the MOST AMAZING spaghetti sauce and I am NOT exaggerating, no one was more surprised than ME! Well, maybe him... But it was sooooo goood! We froze it up for later, since I haven't had a chance to can anything yet. Although I have four days off in a row coming up, and I plan to make pickles and can tomatoes.

I have made several incredible batches of salsa, so good that I have literally been burping it up everyday for at least a week! ;p I am going to try to make some to can, but I have alot of plans and not alot of time lol!

my sweet pooch, on our way to the creek this morning
OOPS! That's my dog, aka the BEST dog in the world! Here's is what I meant to post:
A 6 & 1/2 incher!
I have been keeping up with bread making and cheese making, no surprise those are my favorite things eh?

Homemade bread and mozz with homegrown tomato

We brought in the rest of the potatoes the other day. We were hoping to start a second crop, but we couldn't find any second crop tubers. Turns out we shoulda bought extras in the spring, and stored them in the fridge til now. Next year we will know better!

Well truly this post has taken longer than I thought, I have to get going. Suffice it to say, July was a WONDERFUL month for local, sustainable eating! I believe August will be just as good, if not BETTER!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post any questions, I'm sure you have some! I will soon have a few days off and will have time to answer and post more jealousy-inducing pix of my garden's bounty bwahahhahahaha!

'Everything has its own perfection, be it higher or lower in the scale of things; and the perfection of one is not the perfection of another.'
                        --John Henry Newman

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